
The Settings page allows you to view or update several settings for your account or subscription. 

Account (Settings > Account)

Settings > Account page

On the Account page, you can update or view the email address that is used to login to PatentInspiration. You can also change your password on this page. 

Alerts (Settings > Alerts)

Settings > Alerts page

On the Alerts page, you can manage your currently active alerts. If you don't know how to create an alert or would like more information about it, please click here. The Actions dropdown menu allows you to perform several actions:

  • Delete the selected alert(s)
    This option will delete all the selected alerts.
  • Update selected alert(s) frequency
    This option will update the selected alerts to the selected frequency. You can either choose to receive an alert on a weekly or monthly basis. 
    REMARK: An alert is only sent when new results are available 

Subscription (Settings > Subscription)

On the Subscription page, you can see all information about your subscription and also your billing history. There are several actions you can perform on this page:

  • Change card
    The Change card page allows you to update your credit card information in case your credit card has expired
  • Update/Downgrade plan
    Choose the plan you want to Upgrade or Downgrade to. Upgrading or downgrading your current plan is possible at anytime and we will automatically prorate the charges for you. You can find more information about proration here. 
  • PDF invoice
    Click on the amount to download a PDF invoice for a specific billing period 
  • Invoice information
    To change your VAT number or country, click 'Change VAT number'. To change other invoice information (e.g. your address), click 'Change contact info'.
    To change who receives the invoice, enter the new email address in the text field below 'Invoices' and click the checkmark to confirm.
  • Cancel your account
    If you want to cancel your account, click on the 'Click here' under 'Need to cancel your account'. 
  • Change billing cycle
    Click here to switch between monthly or yearly billing.

Users/Invite user/Statistics

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