Template management

Administrators are allowed to upload their own PowerPoint export template with their own company logo and colors. There are 2 types of templates that can be customized:

Add a new template

Fig 1. "Add a new template" button

To add a new template, click the "Add a new template" button (See Fig 1). This will open a dialog window that will ask you to select the template that you want to add (Please see our How do I create my own custom export template? page for more information to create a template). If you have selected the file click on Open to add the template. Once the template is finished uploading, it will be added (and automatically selected) to the template list

REMARK: Only PPTX files can be uploaded as templates. If you choose any other filetype, you will get an error message.

Remove/Select a template

Fig 2. "Template actions" buttons

To remove/select a template, hover with the mouse over the template that you want to remove/select. This will show the "Template actions" buttons. Click the Remove/Select button to remove/select the template.

REMARK: The default PatentInspiration template cannot be removed.

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