
Exporting from Patent viewer

  • Export to Excel...

    When you export patents to Excel from the Patent viewer, you will be able to choose which fields you want to export to Excel. The default fields are Number, Title, Published date and Applicant and PatentInspiration Link.

  • Export to PowerPoint
    Depending from the active view in the Patent viewer, a single or all patents will be export to PowerPoint. If for example your active patent view is Detail, a single slide will be generated. If your active view is List or Thumbnail all patents will be exported to PowerPoint slides.
    REMARK: There is a limit of 1000 patents that can be exported to PowerPoint 
  • Export to Word
    Depending from the active view in the Patent viewer, a single or all patents will be export to Word.
    REMARK: There is a limit of 1000 patents that can be exported to Word.
  • Export to CSV
    It is possible to export publication or application numbers to a comma-separated file (.csv)


Exporting from Analyze page

Exporting from Analyze detail page

  • Export to Excel
    Exports the data that is used to show the visualization 
  • Export to PowerPoint
    Generates a single slide for the currently active analysis
  • Export to Image
    Generates a image from the currently active analysis 


When you choose to export patents, analysis data or analyses, a new window will be opened with the following message:




Once the file is finished, then you will see the following message:




The file should automatically be prompted to download. If this isn't the case, you can use the 'click here' link to download the file.


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