Which placeholders can be added to the patent template?

Text placeholders

The following are defined text placeholders that will automatically be replaced when used in the patent template:

  • PATENTTITLE: adds the patent title. If no title is found, the text "No title available" will be shown.
  • PATENTDATE: adds the patent date in the following format: 1 Jan 2013.
  • PATENTDATEYEAR: adds the year of the patent date.
  • PATENTDATEMONTH: adds the month of the patent date.
  • PATENTDATEDAY: adds the day of the patent date.
  • PATENTAPPLICANT: adds the first 3 applicants. If there are more than 3 applicants, an extra +NUMBERAPPLICANTS will be added. If no applicants are found, the text "No applicant(s) available" will be shown.
  • PATENTINVENTOR: adds the first 3 inventors. If there are more than 3 inventors, an extra +NUMBERINVENTOR will be added. If no inventors are found, the text "No inventor(s) available" will be shown.
  • PATENTABSTRACT: adds the patent abstract. If no abstract is found, the text "No abstract available" will be shown.
  • PATENTNUMBER: adds the patent number.
  • PATENTNOTES: adds the patent notes.

Hyperlink placeholders

The following are defined hyperlink placeholders that will automatically be replaced when used in the patent template:

  • PATENTLINK: adds a link to the patent on the PatentInspiration website.
  • PATENTLINKESPACENET: adds a link to the patent on the Espacenet website.

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